Login Page:
Liberian Page:
Student Page:
Importing packages:
import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.sql.*; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; import org.jdesktop.swingx.JXDatePicker;
Connection to database:
public static Connection connect() { //Making Database Connection once & using multiple times whenever required. try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ library", "root", "yourpassword"); return con; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return null; }
Login function:
public static void loginFn() { //Creating Login Frame JFrame loginFrame = new JFrame("Login"); //Creating label Username JLabel l1 = new JLabel("Username", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Creating label Password JLabel l2 = new JLabel("Password", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l1.setOpaque(true); //Setting up the background color of the label. l1.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting up the foreground color of the label. l1.setForeground(Color.white); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l2.setOpaque(true); //Setting up the background color of the label. l2.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting up the foreground color of the label. l2.setForeground(Color.white); //Create textfield Username JTextField usernameTF = new JTextField(); //Setting up the background color of the textfield. usernameTF.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting up the foreground color of the textfield. usernameTF.setForeground(Color.white); //Create textfield Password JPasswordField passwordTF = new JPasswordField(); //Setting up the background color of the textfield. passwordTF.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting up the foreground color of the textfield. passwordTF.setForeground(Color.white); //Create button Login JButton loginBtn = new JButton("Login"); //Setting up the background color of the button. loginBtn.setBackground(new Color(124, 85, 227)); //Setting up the foreground color of the button. loginBtn.setForeground(Color.white); //Create button cancel JButton cancelBtn = new JButton("Cancel"); //Setting up the background color of the button. cancelBtn.setBackground(new Color(124, 85, 227)); //Setting up the foreground color of the button. cancelBtn.setForeground(Color.white); //Performing action on button. loginBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String username = usernameTF.getText(); String password = passwordTF.getText(); //If username is empty if (username.isEmpty()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please enter username"); //Display dialog box with the message } //If password is empty else if (password.isEmpty()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please enter password"); //Display dialog box with the message } //If both the fields are present then to login the user, check whether the user exists already else { //Connect to the database Connection connection = connect(); try { Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); String st = ("SELECT * FROM USERS WHERE USERNAME='" + username + "' AND PASSWORD='" + password + "'"); //Retrieve username and passwords from users ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(st); //Execute query if (rs.next() == false) { //Move pointer below JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Invalid Username/Password!"); //Display Message } else { loginFrame.dispose(); rs.beforeFirst(); //Move the pointer above while (rs.next()) { String admin = rs.getString("user_type"); //user is admin System.out.println(admin); String UID = rs.getString("UID"); //Get user ID of the user if (admin.equals("1")) { //If boolean value 1 //Redirecting to Librarian Frame librarian_frame(); } else { //Redirecting to User Frame for that user ID user_frame(UID); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } } }); cancelBtn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { loginFrame.dispose(); } }); //Adding all login components in the login frame of java library management system. loginFrame.add(l1); loginFrame.add(usernameTF); loginFrame.add(l2); loginFrame.add(passwordTF); loginFrame.add(loginBtn); loginFrame.add(cancelBtn); //Setting size of frame (width, height) loginFrame.setSize(330, 180);//400 width and 500 height //Setting layout of the frame loginFrame.setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2)); //Setting frame visible to the user loginFrame.setVisible(true); //Setting frame non-resizable loginFrame.setResizable(false); }
Librarian functions:
public static void librarian_frame() { //Creating Librarian Frame JFrame librarianFrame = new JFrame("Librarian Functions"); //Creating Button JButton view_books_btn = new JButton("View Books"); //Setting up the background color of the button. view_books_btn.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting up the foreground color of the button. view_books_btn.setForeground(Color.white); //Performing actions on button. view_books_btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Creating frame. JFrame viewBooksFrame = new JFrame("Books Available"); //Connection to Database Connection connection = connect(); //Query for retrieving data from database String sql = "select * from BOOKS"; try { //Creating Statement Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); //Executing query ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); //Creating Table for to data will be in table format JTable book_list = new JTable(); String[] bookColumnNames = {"Book ID", "Book ISBN", "Book Name", "Book Publisher", "Book Edition", "Book Genre", "Book price", "Book Pages"}; //Creating model for the table DefaultTableModel bookModel = new DefaultTableModel(); //Setting up the columns names of the model bookModel.setColumnIdentifiers(bookColumnNames); //Adding model to the table component book_list.setModel(bookModel); //Setting background colour of the table book_list.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting foreground colour of the table book_list.setForeground(Color.white); //Setting up table auto-resizable book_list.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS); book_list.setFillsViewportHeight(true); book_list.setFocusable(false); //Creating scrollbars for table JScrollPane scrollBook = new JScrollPane(book_list); scrollBook.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); scrollBook.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); while (rs.next()) { //Fetching the data from mysql database int book_id = rs.getInt(1); String book_isbn = rs.getString(2); String book_name = rs.getString(3); String book_publisher = rs.getString(4); String book_edition = rs.getString(5); String book_genre = rs.getString(6); int book_price = rs.getInt(7); int book_pages = rs.getInt(8); //Adding fetched data in model bookModel.addRow(new Object[]{book_id, book_isbn, book_name, book_publisher, book_edition, book_genre, book_price, book_pages}); } //Adding scrollbars in the frame viewBooksFrame.add(scrollBook); //Setting up the size of the frame (width,height) viewBooksFrame.setSize(800, 400); //Setting up frame visible for user viewBooksFrame.setVisible(true); } catch (Exception e1) { //Creating Dialog box to show any error if occured! JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e1); } } }); //Creating button JButton view_users_btn = new JButton("View Users"); //Setting Background color of the button. view_users_btn.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting Foreground color of the button. view_users_btn.setForeground(Color.white); //Performing actions on the button. view_users_btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Creating frame. JFrame viewUsersFrame = new JFrame("Users List"); //Connection to database Connection connection = connect(); //Query for retrieving data from database String sql = "select * from users"; try { //Creating Statement Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); //Executing query ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); //Creating Table for to data will be in table format JTable users_list = new JTable(); String[] userColumnNames = {"User ID", "User Name", "User Type"}; //Creating model for the table DefaultTableModel userModel = new DefaultTableModel(); //Setting up the columns names of the model userModel.setColumnIdentifiers(userColumnNames); //Adding model to the table component users_list.setModel(userModel); //Setting up table auto-resizable users_list.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS); users_list.setFillsViewportHeight(true); //Setting background colour of the table. users_list.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting foreground colour of the table. users_list.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating scrollbars for table JScrollPane scrollUser = new JScrollPane(users_list); scrollUser.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); scrollUser.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); while (rs.next()) { //Fetching the data from mysql database int uid = rs.getInt(1); String user_name = rs.getString(2); int user_type = rs.getInt(4); if (user_type == 1) { //Checking if it is 1 then it is admin userModel.addRow(new Object[]{uid, user_name, "ADMIN"}); } else { //Else it will be user userModel.addRow(new Object[]{uid, user_name, "USER"}); } } //Adding scrollbars in the frame viewUsersFrame.add(scrollUser); //Setting up the size of the frame (width,height) viewUsersFrame.setSize(800, 400); //Setting up frame visible for user viewUsersFrame.setVisible(true); } catch (Exception e1) { //Creating Dialog box to show any error if occured! JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e1); } } }); //Creating button JButton view_issued_books_btn = new JButton("View Issued Books"); //Setting background colour of the button. view_issued_books_btn.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the button. view_issued_books_btn.setForeground(Color.white); //Performing actions on button. view_issued_books_btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Creating button JFrame issuedBooksFrame = new JFrame("Issued Books List"); //Connection to database Connection connection = connect(); //Query for retrieving data from database String sql = "select * from issued_books"; try { //Creating Statement Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); //Executing query ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); //Creating Table for to data will be in table format JTable issue_book_list = new JTable(); String[] issueBookColumnNames = {"Issue ID", "User ID", "Book ID", "Issue Date", "Period"}; //Creating model for the table DefaultTableModel issuedBookModel = new DefaultTableModel(); //Setting up the columns names of the model issuedBookModel.setColumnIdentifiers(issueBookColumnNames); //Adding model to the table component issue_book_list.setModel(issuedBookModel); //Setting up table auto-resizable issue_book_list.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS); issue_book_list.setFillsViewportHeight(true); issue_book_list.setFocusable(false); //Setting background colour of the table issue_book_list.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting foreground colour of the table issue_book_list.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating scrollbars for table JScrollPane scrollIssuedBook = new JScrollPane(issue_book_list); scrollIssuedBook.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); scrollIssuedBook.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); while (rs.next()) { //Fetching the data from mysql database int iid = rs.getInt(1); int uid = rs.getInt(2); int bid = rs.getInt(3); String issue_date = rs.getString(4); int period = rs.getInt(5); //Adding fetched data in model issuedBookModel.addRow(new Object[]{iid, uid, bid, issue_date, period}); } //Adding scrollbars in the frame issuedBooksFrame.add(scrollIssuedBook); //Setting up the size of the frame (width,height) issuedBooksFrame.setSize(800, 400); //Setting up frame visible for user issuedBooksFrame.setVisible(true); } catch (Exception e1) { //Creating Dialog box to show any error if occured! JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e1); } } }); //Creating button JButton view_returned_books_btn = new JButton("View Returned Books"); //Setting Background Colour of the button. view_returned_books_btn.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting Foreground Colour of the button. view_returned_books_btn.setForeground(Color.white); //Performing actions on the button. view_returned_books_btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Creating button. JFrame returnedBooksFrame = new JFrame("Returned Books List"); //Connection between database and java library management system. Connection connection = connect(); //Query for retrieving data from database. String sql = "select * from returned_books"; try { //Creating Statement. Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); //Executing query. ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); //Creating Table for data will be in table format. JTable returned_book_list = new JTable(); String[] returnBookColumnNames = {"Return ID", "Book ID", "User ID", "Return Date", "Fine"}; //Creating a model for the table. DefaultTableModel returnBookModel = new DefaultTableModel(); //Setting up the column names of the model. returnBookModel.setColumnIdentifiers(returnBookColumnNames); //Adding model to the table component. returned_book_list.setModel(returnBookModel); //Setting up the table auto-resizable. returned_book_list.setAutoResizeMode(JTable.AUTO_RESIZE_ALL_COLUMNS); returned_book_list.setFillsViewportHeight(true); returned_book_list.setFocusable(false); //Setting background colour of the table. returned_book_list.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the table. returned_book_list.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating scrollbars for tables. JScrollPane scrollReturnedBook = new JScrollPane(returned_book_list); scrollReturnedBook.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); scrollReturnedBook.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); while (rs.next()) { //Fetching the data from the mysql database. int rid = rs.getInt(1); int bid = rs.getInt(2); int uid = rs.getInt(3); String returned_date = rs.getString(4); int fine = rs.getInt(5); //Adding fetched data in model. returnBookModel.addRow(new Object[]{rid, bid, uid, returned_date, fine}); } //Adding scrollbars in the frame. returnedBooksFrame.add(scrollReturnedBook); //Setting up the size of the frame (width,height) returnedBooksFrame.setSize(800, 400); //Setting up frames visible for the user. returnedBooksFrame.setVisible(true); } catch (Exception e1) { //Creating Dialog box to show any error if occured! JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e1); } } }); //Creating button JButton add_user_btn = new JButton("Add User"); //Setting Background Colour of the button. add_user_btn.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting Foreground Colour of the button. add_user_btn.setForeground(Color.white); //Performing actions on buttons. add_user_btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Creating frame JFrame add_user_frame = new JFrame("Enter User Details"); //Frame to enter user details //Creating label JLabel l1 = new JLabel("Username", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l1.setOpaque(true); //Setting Background Colour of the label. l1.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting Foreground Colour of the label. l1.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating label JLabel l2 = new JLabel("Password", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l2.setOpaque(true); //Setting Background Colour of the label. l2.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting Foreground Colour of the label. l2.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating textfield JTextField add_username_tf = new JTextField(); //Setting Background Colour of the textfield. add_username_tf.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting Foreground Colour of the textfield. add_username_tf.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating textfield JPasswordField add_password_tf = new JPasswordField(); //Setting Background Colour of the textfield. add_password_tf.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting Foreground Colour of the textfield. add_password_tf.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating radio button JRadioButton user_type_radio1 = new JRadioButton("Admin"); //Aligning center user_type_radio1.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting Background Colour of the radiobutton. user_type_radio1.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting Foreground Colour of the radiobutton. user_type_radio1.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating radio button JRadioButton user_type_radio2 = new JRadioButton("User"); //Aligning center user_type_radio2.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting Background Colour of the radiobutton. user_type_radio2.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting Foreground Colour of the radiobutton. user_type_radio2.setForeground(Color.white); //Adding radio buttons in buttongroup ButtonGroup user_type_btn_grp = new ButtonGroup(); user_type_btn_grp.add(user_type_radio1); user_type_btn_grp.add(user_type_radio2); //Creating button. JButton create_btn = new JButton("Create"); //Setting Background Colour of the button. create_btn.setBackground(new Color(124, 85, 227)); //Setting Foreground Colour of the button. create_btn.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating button. JButton user_entry_cancel_btn = new JButton("Cancel"); //Setting Background Colour of the button. user_entry_cancel_btn.setBackground(new Color(124, 85, 227)); //Setting Foreground Colour of the button. user_entry_cancel_btn.setForeground(Color.white); //Performing actions on the button. create_btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Getting data from the textfield. String username = add_username_tf.getText(); String password = add_password_tf.getText(); //Connection to database. Connection connection = connect(); try { //Creating statement Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); //Check if radio1 is click or not //If radio1 is click then it is added as admin, else normal student if (user_type_radio1.isSelected()) { //Query to insert inside in the table stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO USERS(USERNAME,PASSWORD,USER_TYPE) VALUES ('" + username + "','" + password + "','" + "1" + "')"); //Creating Dialog Box to display message. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Admin added!"); add_user_frame.dispose(); } else { //Query to insert inside in the table. stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO USERS(USERNAME,PASSWORD,USER_TYPE) VALUES ('" + username + "','" + password + "','" + "0" + "')"); //Creating Dialog Box to display message. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "User added!"); add_user_frame.dispose(); } } catch (Exception e1) { //Creating Dialog box to show any error if occured! JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e1); } } }); //Performing actions on button. user_entry_cancel_btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { add_user_frame.dispose(); } }); //Adding components in frame. add_user_frame.add(l1); add_user_frame.add(add_username_tf); add_user_frame.add(l2); add_user_frame.add(add_password_tf); add_user_frame.add(user_type_radio1); add_user_frame.add(user_type_radio2); add_user_frame.add(create_btn); add_user_frame.add(user_entry_cancel_btn); //Setting up the size of the frame (width,height) add_user_frame.setSize(350, 200); //Setting up layout of the frame add_user_frame.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 2)); //Setting up the frame visible add_user_frame.setVisible(true); //Setting up the table auto-resizable. add_user_frame.setResizable(false); } }); //Creating button. JButton add_book_btn = new JButton("Add Book"); //Setting Background Colour of the button. add_book_btn.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting Foreground Colour of the button. add_book_btn.setForeground(Color.white); //Performing actions on button. add_book_btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Creating Frame. JFrame book_frame = new JFrame("Enter Book Details"); //Creating labels JLabel l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7; l1 = new JLabel("ISBN", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l1.setOpaque(true); //Setting background colour of the label. l1.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the label. l1.setForeground(Color.white); l2 = new JLabel("Name", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l2.setOpaque(true); //Setting background colour of the label. l2.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the label. l2.setForeground(Color.white); l3 = new JLabel("Publisher", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l3.setOpaque(true); //Setting background colour of the label. l3.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the label. l3.setForeground(Color.white); l4 = new JLabel("Edition", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l4.setOpaque(true); //Setting background colour of the label. l4.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the label. l4.setForeground(Color.white); l5 = new JLabel("Genre", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l5.setOpaque(true); //Setting background colour of the label. l5.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the label. l5.setForeground(Color.white); l6 = new JLabel("Price", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l6.setOpaque(true); //Setting background colour of the label. l6.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the label. l6.setForeground(Color.white); l7 = new JLabel("Pages", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l7.setOpaque(true); //Setting background colour of the label. l7.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the label. l7.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating textfield. JTextField book_isbn_tf = new JTextField(); //Setting background colour of the textfield. book_isbn_tf.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the textfield. book_isbn_tf.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating textfield JTextField book_name_tf = new JTextField(); //Setting background colour of the textfield. book_name_tf.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the textfield. book_name_tf.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating textfield. JTextField book_publisher_tf = new JTextField(); //Setting background colour of the textfield. book_publisher_tf.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the textfield. book_publisher_tf.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating textfield. JTextField book_edition_tf = new JTextField(); //Setting background colour of the textfield. book_edition_tf.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the textfield. book_edition_tf.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating textfield. JTextField book_genre_tf = new JTextField(); //Setting background colour of the textfield. book_genre_tf.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the textfield. book_genre_tf.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating textfield. JTextField book_price_tf = new JTextField(); //Setting background colour of the textfield. book_price_tf.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the textfield. book_price_tf.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating textfield. JTextField book_pages_tf = new JTextField(); //Setting background colour of the textfield. book_pages_tf.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the textfield. book_pages_tf.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating button. JButton create_btn = new JButton("Submit"); //Setting background colour of the button. create_btn.setBackground(new Color(124, 85, 227)); //Setting the foreground colour of the button. create_btn.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating button. JButton add_book_cancel_btn = new JButton("Cancel"); //Setting background colour of the button. add_book_cancel_btn.setBackground(new Color(124, 85, 227)); //Setting the foreground colour of the button. add_book_cancel_btn.setForeground(Color.white); //Performing actions on the button. create_btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Getting data from the textfield. String book_isbn = book_isbn_tf.getText(); String book_name = book_name_tf.getText(); String book_publisher = book_publisher_tf.getText(); String book_edition = book_edition_tf.getText(); String book_genre = book_genre_tf.getText(); //Converting bookprice and bookpages to integer from string. int book_price = Integer.parseInt(book_price_tf.getText()); int book_pages = Integer.parseInt(book_pages_tf.getText()); //Connection to database. Connection connection = connect(); try { //Creating statement Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); //Query to insert in the table. stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO BOOKS(book_isbn,book_name,book_publisher,book_edition,book_genre,book_price,book_pages)" + " VALUES ('" + book_isbn + "','" + book_name + "','" + book_publisher + "','" + book_edition + "','" + book_genre + "','" + book_price + "'," + book_pages + ")"); //Creating Dialog Box to display message. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Book added!"); book_frame.dispose(); } catch (Exception e1) { //Creating Dialog box to show any error if occured! JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e1); } } }); //Performing actions on the button. add_book_cancel_btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { book_frame.dispose(); } }); //Adding components in the frame. book_frame.add(l1); book_frame.add(book_isbn_tf); book_frame.add(l2); book_frame.add(book_name_tf); book_frame.add(l3); book_frame.add(book_publisher_tf); book_frame.add(l4); book_frame.add(book_edition_tf); book_frame.add(l5); book_frame.add(book_genre_tf); book_frame.add(l6); book_frame.add(book_price_tf); book_frame.add(l7); book_frame.add(book_pages_tf); book_frame.add(create_btn); book_frame.add(add_book_cancel_btn); //Setting up the size of the frame (width,height) book_frame.setSize(800, 500); //Setting up layout of the frame book_frame.setLayout(new GridLayout(8, 2)); //Setting up the frame visible book_frame.setVisible(true); //Setting up the table auto-resizable. book_frame.setResizable(false); } }); //Creating button JButton add_issue_book_btn = new JButton("Issue Book"); //Setting background colour of the button. add_issue_book_btn.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the button. add_issue_book_btn.setForeground(Color.white); //Performing actions on the button. add_issue_book_btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Creating frame. JFrame issue_book_frame = new JFrame("Enter Details"); //Creating panel. JPanel pickerPanel = new JPanel(); //Creating a datepicker. JXDatePicker picker = new JXDatePicker(); //Setting up current date in datepicker picker.setDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); //Formatting datepicker. picker.setFormats(new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy")); //Adding datepicker in the panel. pickerPanel.add(picker); //Setting background colour of the panel. pickerPanel.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the panel. pickerPanel.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating labels JLabel l1, l2, l3, l4; l1 = new JLabel("Book ID", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l1.setOpaque(true); //Setting background colour of the label. l1.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the label. l1.setForeground(Color.white); l2 = new JLabel("User/Student ID", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l2.setOpaque(true); //Setting background colour of the label. l2.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the label. l2.setForeground(Color.white); l3 = new JLabel("Period(days)", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l3.setOpaque(true); //Setting background colour of the label. l3.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the label. l3.setForeground(Color.white); l4 = new JLabel("Issued Date(DD-MM-YYYY)", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l4.setOpaque(true); //Setting background colour of the label. l4.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the label. l4.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating textfield. JTextField bid_tf = new JTextField(); //Setting background colour of the textfield. bid_tf.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the textfield. bid_tf.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating textfield. JTextField uid_tf = new JTextField(); //Setting background colour of the textfield. uid_tf.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the textfield. uid_tf.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating textfield. JTextField period_tf = new JTextField(); //Setting background colour of the textfield. period_tf.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the textfield. period_tf.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating button. JButton create_btn = new JButton("Submit"); //Setting background colour of the button. create_btn.setBackground(new Color(124, 85, 227)); //Setting the foreground colour of the button. create_btn.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating button. JButton issue_book_cancel_btn = new JButton("Cancel"); //Setting background colour of the button. issue_book_cancel_btn.setBackground(new Color(124, 85, 227)); //Setting the foreground colour of the button. issue_book_cancel_btn.setForeground(Color.white); //Performing actions on the button. create_btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Getting data from textfield. int uid = Integer.parseInt(uid_tf.getText()); int bid = Integer.parseInt(bid_tf.getText()); String period = period_tf.getText(); Date oDate = picker.getDate(); //Formatting date. DateFormat oDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); String issued_date = oDateFormat.format(oDate); //Converting period from string to integer. int period_int = Integer.parseInt(period); //Connection to the database Connection connection = connect(); try { //Creating Statement Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); //Query to insert data in the table. stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO issued_books(UID,BID,ISSUED_DATE,PERIOD) VALUES ('" + uid + "','" + bid + "','" + issued_date + "'," + period_int + ")"); //Creating Dialog Box to display message. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Book Issued!"); issue_book_frame.dispose(); } catch (Exception e1) { //Creating Dialog box to show any error if occured! JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e1); } } }); issue_book_cancel_btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { issue_book_frame.dispose(); } }); //Adding components in the frame issue_book_frame.add(l1); issue_book_frame.add(bid_tf); issue_book_frame.add(l2); issue_book_frame.add(uid_tf); issue_book_frame.add(l3); issue_book_frame.add(period_tf); issue_book_frame.add(l4); issue_book_frame.getContentPane().add(pickerPanel); issue_book_frame.add(create_btn); issue_book_frame.add(issue_book_cancel_btn); //Setting up the size of the frame (width,height) issue_book_frame.setSize(600, 300); //Setting up frame layout issue_book_frame.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 2)); //Setting up the frame visible issue_book_frame.setVisible(true); //Setting up table auto-resizable. issue_book_frame.setResizable(false); } }); //Creating button. JButton add_return_book_btn = new JButton("Return Book"); //Setting background colour of the button. add_return_book_btn.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the button. add_return_book_btn.setForeground(Color.white); //Performing actions on the button. add_return_book_btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Creating frame. JFrame returnBookFrame = new JFrame("Enter Details"); //Creating the labels. JLabel l1 = new JLabel("Book ID", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l1.setOpaque(true); //Setting background colour of the label. l1.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the label. l1.setForeground(Color.white); JLabel l2 = new JLabel("User ID", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l2.setOpaque(true); //Setting background colour of the label. l2.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the label. l2.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating labels. JLabel l3 = new JLabel("Return Date(DD-MM-YYYY)", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l3.setOpaque(true); //Setting background colour of the label. l3.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the label. l3.setForeground(Color.white); JLabel l4 = new JLabel("Fine", SwingConstants.CENTER); //Setting up opaque so that label component paints every pixel within its bounds. l4.setOpaque(true); //Setting background colour of the label. l4.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the label. l4.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating textfield. JTextField bid_tf = new JTextField(); //Setting background colour of the textfield. bid_tf.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the textfield. bid_tf.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating textfield. JTextField uid_tf = new JTextField(); //Setting background colour of the textfield. uid_tf.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the textfield. uid_tf.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating panel for date. JPanel pickerPanel = new JPanel(); //Creating a datepicker. JXDatePicker picker = new JXDatePicker(); //Getting and Setting up the current time of the date. picker.setDate(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()); //Setting up the format of the date picker. picker.setFormats(new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy")); //Creating textfield. JTextField fine_tf = new JTextField(); //Setting background colour of the textfield. fine_tf.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the textfield. fine_tf.setForeground(Color.white); //Adding datepicker in panel. pickerPanel.add(picker); //Setting background colour of the panel. pickerPanel.setBackground(new Color(51, 35, 85)); //Setting the foreground colour of the panel. pickerPanel.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating button. JButton return_book_btn = new JButton("Return"); //Setting background colour of the button. return_book_btn.setBackground(new Color(124, 85, 227)); //Setting the foreground colour of the button. return_book_btn.setForeground(Color.white); //Creating button. JButton cancel_book_btn = new JButton("Cancel"); //Setting background colour of the button. cancel_book_btn.setBackground(new Color(124, 85, 227)); //Setting the foreground colour of the button. cancel_book_btn.setForeground(Color.white); //Performing actions on button. return_book_btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { //Getting data from text fields. int bid = Integer.parseInt(bid_tf.getText()); int uid = Integer.parseInt(uid_tf.getText()); int fine = Integer.parseInt(fine_tf.getText()); Date oDate = picker.getDate(); //Formatting Date. DateFormat oDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); String return_date = oDateFormat.format(oDate); try { //Connection to database Connection connection = connect(); //Creating Statement Statement stmt = connection.createStatement(); //Querying to insert in the table. stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO returned_books(bid,uid,return_date,fine) VALUES ('" + bid + "','" + uid + "','" + return_date + "'," + fine + ")"); //Creating Dialog Box to display message. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Book Returned!"); returnBookFrame.dispose(); } catch (Exception e1) { //Creating Dialog box to show any error if occured! JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e1); } } }); //Performing actions on the button. cancel_book_btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { returnBookFrame.dispose(); } }); //Adding all return book components in the frame returnBookFrame.add(l1); returnBookFrame.add(bid_tf); returnBookFrame.add(l2); returnBookFrame.add(uid_tf); returnBookFrame.add(l3); returnBookFrame.getContentPane().add(pickerPanel); returnBookFrame.add(l4); returnBookFrame.add(fine_tf); returnBookFrame.add(return_book_btn); returnBookFrame.add(cancel_book_btn); //Setting up the size of the frame returnBookFrame.setSize(600, 300); //Setting up the layout of the frame returnBookFrame.setLayout(new GridLayout(5, 2)); //Setting up the frame visible returnBookFrame.setVisible(true); //Setting up frame non-resizable returnBookFrame.setResizable(false); } }); //Setting the layout of Librarian Frame librarianFrame.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 4)); //Adding Librarian components in the Librarian Frame librarianFrame.add(add_user_btn); librarianFrame.add(add_book_btn); librarianFrame.add(add_issue_book_btn); librarianFrame.add(add_return_book_btn); librarianFrame.add(view_users_btn); librarianFrame.add(view_books_btn); librarianFrame.add(view_issued_books_btn); librarianFrame.add(view_returned_books_btn); //Setting size of the frame (width,height) librarianFrame.setSize(800, 200); //Setting up the frame visible to the user librarianFrame.setVisible(true); //Setting up frame non-resizable librarianFrame.setResizable(false); }